Thursday, July 30, 2009
strange garden sighting
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
how we made the custom trellis for the honeysuckle, jasmine & wisteria
I should note that in order to give the vines something to hold on to on their journey across the top, I came up with a nifty "shelf" idea and it works just peachy.

This picture was taken in the early Spring... the vines have completely covered the trellis now and the hummingbirds love it!

I have added pink jasmine along the honeysuckle. It smells heavenly!

A look at the "shelf" design. I needed something to give the vines something to cling to. This works great. I have wasp catchers hanging from the top on copper wires.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Hollywood Regency chairs from KC's Hotel for Presidents

Postcard from 1916, right after opening

The lobby of the Hotel Muehlebach, with its thick Oriental rugs, writing desks, tall lamps, potted palms, lounge chairs and a roaring wood fire, is pictured on an old promotional post card, one of a set, put out by the hotel shortly after it opened in1916.
George E. Muehlebach, Jr., started working for the brewery after his graduation from Spalding's Business College. In 1905 after the death of his father he became president of the brewery.
As a teenager, George had played first base on the Muehlebach Brewing Company’s Pilseners baseball team, spawning a keen interest in the sport. He owned the Kansas City Blues, twice American Association champions, from 1917 to 1932. Muehlebach built a half-million dollar ballpark at 22nd and Brooklyn in 1923, the only park in its league free of billboards. Under various names, Muehlebach Stadium was Kansas City’s ballpark until the Truman Sports Complex was built.

Street-view, 1930. Aren't the cars a hoot?
The original 12-story building was constructed in 1915, designed by Holabird and Roche. The site used for the hotel was one formerly occupied by the old First Baptist church, a frame building built in 1880, the gift of Col. And Mrs. W. H. Harris. Land and church cost $30,000.Services were held there until 1908, when the congregation sold the church and site for $150,000, took their pipe-organ and moved temporarily to Thirteenth and Broadway. They later built a new stone church at Linwood avenue and Park street at a cost of $100,000.For five years the old Twelfth street church stood empty, used only for ballyhoo, annual shows, an occasional menagerie and whisky advertisements.

Side-View, 1928
The Muehlebachs started tearing down the old landmark in June, 1913, and financing their plans for a big hotel.The hotel was extended west to Wyandotte street in 1952 and four years later the 17-story Muehlebach Towers was added on Wyandotte. The hotel was remodeled in the 1970s and closed in the 1980s. Marriott bought hotel in 1996 as an annex to their downtown hotel. Two years and millions of dollars were spent restoring the hotel in accordance with historic preservation guidelines as the hotel is both a state and federal landmark.
After all that... NO! You don't get to see the chairs yet. That is in my next post. :)
Missouri Valley Special Collections, Kansas City Public Library, Kansas City, Missouri
Kansas City Star, A Writer's Haunts: Where He Worked and Where He Lived.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
blue porch ceilings for good luck? it's haint blue!
I have painted a few ceilings in children's rooms sky blue with some fluffy white clouds. It seemed a cheerful, breezy thing to do. But, I painted the beadboard ceiling of my front porch blue for an entirely different reason.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
handpainted hydrangea wallpaper and pink pom-poms in the closet
It is looking really cute so far!
snuggly bench in the rose garden
Saturday morning, I hit World Market in need of some new cushions for the bench in the sideyard. The baby blue ones from last year were all rusted and it didn't come out in the wash. They happened to have their outdoor stuff 30 - 50% off. I scooped up 2 cushions, 2 toss pillows and a picnic blanket for the bench. We sat on it briefly Sunday night, but with the rain, haven't been able to use it again.

Monday, July 20, 2009
company's coming! front porch update

Wednesday, July 15, 2009
my wild pink, orange & aqua closet, in progress
Anyway... I decided my closet was a "fun" space, since I will be hanging my guitars in there. (I can't wait to have them out of my way!) I took the original design, enlarged it, and injected it with a lot of color.
It is not all done yet - but here is a preview. The walls are Behr's Ballerina Gown. The flower petals are Behr's Fresco Cream, the aqua buds are Glidden's Tropical Lagoon, and the centers are Fuschia craft paint I had on hand. The brown edges are leftover dark brown craft paint.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
my new closet... crazy idea... good outcome... but too much work!
I have been working on my closet for 3 days straight. All the fine, detail painting I am doing in there is making me go cross-eyed. I can't wait to share finished pictures with you!
We are having a family get together this weekend, so while I am working on the closet, Steven & kids are working on tidying the house and doing a to-do list I put together. Because the front porch ceiling simply HAS to be haint blue. And the birdhouses I so lovingly antiqued need to be mounted on the clematis-covered copper posts since the old ones deteriorated so.
Hope all is going great for you all... Hopefully I will have closet pictures soon!!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
new member of the family
For Fourth of July, we went to Steven's brother's house to celebrate. One of his cats had recently had kittens. There were three left. I believe he said one had died already. There was a little runty kitten there, skin and bones, that we immediately scooped up. One look from the kids, and we had to take him home. The boys decided he looked just like Kyle, so we named the kitten Kyle II.
Kyle II, although he was an outdoor cat, took to the litter box immediately. A trip to the vet confirmed he is on the road to recovery and he has already plumped up to .9 pounds. It is hard to get a picture of a rambunctious kitty, but here he is prowling around the kitchen window:

Wednesday, July 8, 2009
dreaming of blue kitchens...

brainstorming colors for my closet
I have another closet in the master bedroom that I use for my work clothes. This one is for my casual clothes since everything is folded up in laundry baskets. Awhile back, I painted the trim pastel pink and the walls a pale pink. I don't know... the pale pink isn't doing it for me. I like the pastel pink trim, but I am just not convinced on the pale pink.

Artwork in the closet? Yeah, kinda weird. My very good friend, Dave, a.k.a. Damage in the recording biz, painted this huge portrait of me. I am going to get it framed once the closet is all painted up.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009
a bit about me
So... My name is Sarah Beth. My friends call me Puck. Long story short, it is a silly nickname from back when I had the time to play hockey. One of many habits I don't seem to have time for anymore!
I like music, dancing, and cars... and before I had house projects and kids coming out of my ears, I liked to perform.
Steven and I met while playing in a band. He plays guitar, and I play bass and sing. Years later, we try to find the time to jam. We do have a band called customgrind and have been working on a CD. However, we haven't done a show since early in my pregnancy with our baby boy, Bowie. I did a lot of shows while pregnant with Dane (now 4), but decided my back couldn't take a heavy guitar and a baby at once anymore. Here I am performing (just a couple month pregnant) at our last show. This was at Whisky Tango, I believe:

I mentioned I like cars. I like to wrench, drive, race, drool over, etc. My first car as a '86 Mustang LX in regetta blue. I have own a string of Mustangs since then. I saved my current car, a 94 Mustang GT, simply because 94/95 was the last year of the 5.0 engine. It has been a project car for me over the years. I have taken it to the drag strip, autocross course and open track. This is my "fun" car in action:

But, you know, the 2-door Mustang is not so kid-friendly. I can't fit all 4 boys, plus Steven, in there. I needed a "mom-mobile." I can't handle the thought of a mini-van, so I decided if I was going to get a station wagon, it had to be a really cool one... I needed a Rambler. Steven did some digging and found a 1963 Rambler Classic 770 wagon for me. It is a work in progress, and early progress at that, but someday I will share pics!
And dancing. It has always been a passion of mine. I have taken ballet, jazz, modern, etc. Most recently, I was involved with a hip hop team. We were working to compete, but our coach moved and it all sort of fell apart. It was great fun (and exercise) while it lasted. Hopefully soon, I can begin dancing again, be it hip hop, ballet or jazz. It is all fun.
You already know I live in Baldwin City, KS. Before that, I lived in Bailey & Castle Rock, Colorado for a few years. I grew up in Fremont, Nebraska and Neola, Iowa. Pretty much a Midwest Girl. I was always amazed by people's perceptions about the Midwest when I would travel around to client sites. Especially in California. Clients would remark that I must really enjoy getting to be in California for a few months, as if it HAD to be better there than my home. I would tell them how much I enjoyed gardening, and how green everything was at home. Glamorous Hollywood is actually pretty brown and a bit dreary, to me. And I didn't met anyone famous. Well, I might have met some reality or MTV hipster, but I never know who the young girls are on the cover of magazines anymore. Do any of them where underpants anymore?
But I digress... Hopefully, you feel like you know me a little more. It is funny how we follow each other's blogs and feel like friends, even though it is all just cyberspace, huh?
a place just for mommy...

Which prompted me to start Googling Cath Kidston tents and found this:

Monday, July 6, 2009
a walk along the new garden path

It looks nice from a distance, but up-close, all that bushy catmint had taken over.
Honestly, the little plants beneath all that catmint seemed to say THANK YOU! Once the catmint was out, I was able to access the back layer of plants for a good pruning. I moved the trellis over for the sweet pea since it had grown too tall for the structure it was on, Russian sage got a nice shaping, etc.
Next came the new plants to fill in where the catmint was... Geranium, allium, sedum, cheddars, etc. filled the void.

The are scrawny now, but soon, the new baby plants will bush out and spill onto the path to give me that lush cottage garden look I love.
Ignore the hose and you'll see the neat little peak at the rose garden just around the blue spruce.

The sitting area in the back. I have the baby blue cushions for the bench in the wash. I will share with you the rose garden (to the right) when we get the salvaged gates moved in. Steven replaced this section of the fence and built the cute little double-opening gate. I asked for a scalloped pattern and black, and he did a great job!

The daisy garden around the copper wash basin. I fell in love with the puffy pink echinacea. Soon, the Big Daddy hydrangea will have puffy pink blooms as well. Nothing in the basin yet... maybe this weekend?
Any gardening successes at your home?