After the kitchen and master bath are finished, and while Steven works on Bowie's nursery, I will begin work on the dining room. Right now, the dining room has the table pushed to a wall, covered in computers and books. It also contains one of the kid's dressers, and exercise equipment. I would like to reclaim the room for actual dining... so I began working on some ideas for the space.
My big question now is: What color to paint it?
You can see I have included pale blue and pale pink. Since I recently gave myself persmission to decorate with pink. The dining room is connected to the entry way (seperated by an arch doorway), so the two rooms are connected by do have the arch to deliniate the space. The entry way is pale blue... which makes me wonder if it would be too much to have 2 rooms in a row with the same color. Yet, I think the walls being pink might be too much with all the pink fabrics I have chosen.
Thoughts? Blue, pink or other. And if other, suggest a color. :)
Update: I changed my mind... I am thinking Cameo Pink instead of Icelandic Poppy... just a smidge deeper pink since Poppy really is reading too white in my mock-ups. :) I really think Cameo Pink with Gust of Wind (white) trim is the winner...
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