I did some tidying in my Hoosier cabinet... The inside of the cabinet was never painted very well, so shadows of green paint was showing through. I gave the inside of the flour bin, which Steven has just built shelves in, a good coat of paint. I added shelf paper on the shelves. For the back, I covered green wrapping paper with laminating paper and used double-stick tape to give the inside a fun bit of color. (Above)

The thing I like most about the Hoosier, besides the organization, is the pull-out enamel counter. When the boys are bickering too much at the table, I will put one or two of them in front of the Hoosier on some stools. Makes meal time a bit more quiet with a bit more elbow-room at the kitchen table. :)
Love the cabinet :)
Just found your blog and added it to my favs. I wanted to let you know I have a GIVE AWAY that ends to day.
nice cabinet, like really nice, I so need to organize in fact I think I might try a little hour of it tomorrow here,
happy weekend, hope yr fee are up!
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